OnBase Salesforce Integration

Integrate OnBase with Salesforce to enhance your business efficiency. Seamlessly manage documents, automate workflows, and gain real-time insights. Discover how Yen Digital's integration services can transform your operations.

OnBase Salesforce Integration


Hyland OnBase is a leading enterprise content management system that helps organizations manage their documents and data. The system provides a centralized repository for storing and managing documents and data,which can be accessed by authorized users from anywhere and at any time. Hyland OnBase is designed to help organizations streamline their processes and improve efficiency by automating workflows and eliminating manual processes.Additionally, it provides enhanced security features to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Hyland OnBase is widely used across various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and government. Organizations that implement Hyland OnBase can benefit from improved processes, reduced costs, and increased productivity.

What is Hyland OnBase?

Hyland OnBase is a comprehensive enterprise content management system that helps organizations manage their documents and data. The system offers various features that enable organizations to streamline their processes and improve efficiency. These features include:

 Document Management: Hyland OnBase provides a centralized repository for storing and managing documents. It allows users to create, edit, and store documents in a secure and accessible manner.Additionally, it provides tools for version control, metadata management, and search capabilities.

 Workflow Automation: Hyland OnBase automates workflows by routing documents and data to the appropriate people and systems for review and approval. This helps organizations streamline their processes and improve efficiency. Additionally, it provides tools for designing and configuring workflows, as well as monitoring and reporting on workflow performance.

 Content Analytics: Hyland OnBase provides content analytics that enable organizations to gain insights into their data. It helps organizations make informed decisions based on data analysis and insights.Additionally, it provides tools for data visualization, reporting, and dashboards.

 Records Management: Hyland OnBase helps organizations manage their records by providing tools for record retention,disposition, and archival. It ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and helps organizations reduce the risk of legal disputes.

Key Features of Hyland OnBase

Hyland OnBase offers a range of features that help organizations manage their documents and data efficiently. These features include:

Capture: Hyland OnBase provides tools for capturing documents and data from various sources, such as scanners, email, and webforms. It automates the capture process, reducing the need for manual data entry and improving accuracy.

 Integration: Hyland OnBase can integrate with other systems, such as ERP and CRM systems. This provides organizations with a comprehensive solution for managing their data and documents. Additionally, it provides tools for developing custom integrations.

Mobile Access: Hyland OnBase provides mobile access to documents and data, enabling users to access information from anywhere and at any time. It provides a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, as well as a responsive web interface.

 Security: Hyland OnBase provides enhanced security features to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. It provides tools for access control, encryption, and audit trails.

Use Cases of Hyland OnBase

 Hyland OnBase is used in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and government. In healthcare, it helps manage patient records and streamline processes, such as billing and claims management. In finance, it helps manage customer records and automate processes, such as loan processing and account management. In government, it helps manage records and automate processes, such as permits and licensing.

 Organizations that have implemented Hyland OnBase have experienced significant benefits. For example, a healthcare organization reduced its claims processing time by 50% and improved patient care by providing faster access to medical records. A financial institution reduced its loan processing time by 70% and improved customer satisfaction by providing faster response times.

How to Implement Hyland OnBase

Implementing Hyland OnBase requires a well-planned approach to ensure a successful implementation. The following are the key steps to implementing Hyland OnBase:

Define Objectives: The first step in implementing Hyland OnBase is to define the objectives of the project. The objectives should align with the organization's goals and should be clearly defined.

 Conduct a Needs Assessment: A needs assessment should be conducted to determine the organization's requirements. This includes identifying the types of documents and data to be managed, the workflows to be automated, and the integrations required.

Design the Solution: Based on the needs assessment,the solution should be designed. This includes configuring the system, designing workflows, and developing integrations.

Test the Solution: Once the solution is designed, it should be tested to ensure it meets the organization's requirements. This includes testing workflows, integrations, and security.

 Train End-Users: End-users should be trained on how to use Hyland OnBase effectively. This includes training on how to create and edit documents, how to use workflows, and how to search for documents.

 Go-Live: Once the solution is tested and end-users are trained, the system can be rolled out to the organization. It is important to monitor the system closely after go-live to ensure it is functioning as expected.

Integration Capabilities of Hyland OnBase

Hyland OnBase can integrate with various systems, such as ERP, CRM, and HR systems. This provides organizations with a comprehensive solution for managing their documents and data. The following are some of the integration capabilities of Hyland OnBase:

ERP Integration: Hyland OnBase can integrate with ERP systems, such as SAP and Oracle. This enables organizations to manage their documents and data within their ERP system.

CRM Integration: Hyland OnBase can integrate with CRM systems, such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics. This enables organizations to manage their customer records and documents within their CRM system.

HR Integration: Hyland OnBase can integrate with HR systems, such as Workday and SAP Success Factors. This enables organizations to manage their employee records and documents within their HR system.

Custom Integration: Hyland OnBase provides tools for developing custom integrations. This enables organizations to integrate Hyland OnBase with their custom systems.

Training and Support Options for Hyland OnBase

 Hyland provides various training and support options for organizations that implement Hyland OnBase. This includes:

Instructor-Led Training: Hyland provides instructor-led training to help end-users, administrators, and developers learn how to use and configure Hyland OnBase effectively.

 E-Learning Courses: Hyland provides eLearning courses that enable end-users to learn at their own pace. These courses cover various topics, such as document management, workflow automation, and content analytics.

 Certifications: Hyland provides certifications for end-users, administrators, and developers. These certifications validate their knowledge and skills in using and configuring Hyland OnBase.

 Technical Support: Hyland provides technical support to help organizations resolve issues and answer questions. Technical support is available through phone, email, and an online support portal.

 To get the most out of training and support, it is essential to develop a training plan that includes training for end-users,administrators, and developers. Additionally, it is important to provide ongoing support to ensure end-users can use Hyland OnBase effectively.


 Hyland OnBase is a comprehensive solution for managing documents and data that provides benefits such as streamlined processes,improved efficiency, and enhanced security. Organizations that implement Hyland OnBase can benefit from improved processes, reduced costs, and increased productivity. In conclusion, Hyland OnBase is a powerful solution for managing documents and data that can provide significant benefits to organizations. By understanding the features, best practices for implementation, integration capabilities, and training and support options, organizations can make informed decisions about implementing Hyland OnBase and ensure a successful implementation.

OnBase Salesforce Integration

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